At first, I have known this computer graphic software from job information on TV7 website. It’s one of some required for editor or designer position. Computer graphic software is 3D Max. I didn’t know about this software what for, I only think, it’s new software for make 3D object, and I didn’t need to learn immediately. I am not enthusiast with that software, not like photoshop or Flash MX, so I didn’t want to buy CD software. I always went to computer softwares shop, I always saw the title of this software, but I ignored and ignored that. I would rather to learn Macromedia Flash than this software, it’s so fun and cool to make an animation by myself.
After long time and I never think about it again. But when I read a post from one of my friend blog who wrote about 3D Max. I shocked, wow it’s popular software not only for broadcast. Even, when I trained in TVRI, my friends always tell me about this software, how amazing this software, what we can do with it, and include sample what it have done in television.
But I still not interested, I only interest to learn about flash, so I only asked about flash not about it. I said to my friend that I want to know about this software after I can using flash…hehehe…I am very quite idealistic. Actually, I realized that one day, I must to know about it and I must to learn about it after learn about flash.
Until one day, I saw samples of 3D Max on Internet ( Sorry,I didn’t remember the address). It looked so cool, very beautiful. Then, I felt interested to learn it more then I decided to buy this software. After I bought this software, install this software and I tried. You know, this is not easily than you can imagine before, very complicated!!. The workspace ‘ruang kerja’ very complicated than Photoshop or Flash. There are more tools, more icons, some new functions, it made me confused. Even when I read ebook about this software, very very complicated.. I think it’s so hard to learn ‘Autodidact’. I must take a short course to learn about 3D max…..But I don’t know when I would take a short course….:D
it is complicated
but once you're used to it. it's not that hard. i's only a matter of perspective (3dimensional that is)...but hey, who am i to talk like that?! i can't even use the thing...
lagi berkutat dgn autocad 2d nich! biasa, gambar teknik.
Saptomo:ehmm klo 2D kemungkinan akan lebih mudah dibanding 3d, kayaknya loh...met berkutat ama autocad yah...
Agusset: Iya, hayoo kita bersaing siapa yang dapat duit gede duluan....
Wah klo caranya saling mengklik wah itu mah enggak seru ah...hihihihi
2d is nice and 3d is cool...(haha to be fair)
have you heard digital studio ...atau hello motionnya waditya yg kalo nggak salah di tebet...
yg nyebelin dari 3d.. proses renderingnya...bisa makan waktu berhari-hari lo...
Yes, I have heard Digital Studio and hello...
Walah, kok jadi sama aja yang lamanya ngerender sama dengan edit video...kirain tidak perlu butuh waktu terlalu lama buat ngerender...bete bgt tuh kalo kita musti tunggu rendering bukan sekedar berjam2 tapi berhari2...:((
mangkanya filem 3d lebih mahal ketimbang filem 2d..karna butuh mesin yg hightech...juga upah keringat dan kesabarannya pula...
tapi enaknya yah kaya sekarang..selagi ngerender bisa blogwalking..
Raham: Pantesan aja, ternyata Ibu yang satu ini lagi ngerender toh..met tunggu renderan yah...;)
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