Friday, August 04, 2006

Calling All Hackers Amongst to Attack Israeli Media

Gw dapat informasi ini dari milis yang menginformasikan klo Israel akan menyerang media Hizbullah, dan meminta para hacker seluruh dunia untuk melakukan serangan ke Media Israel.
Inilah isi dari imelnya :
I am calling all hackers amongst us to "attack" Israeli media entities such as websites, newslines, radio, TV etc. This is the least you can do to help muslims being oppressed by Zionist.

This is the time to make full use of your talents.
Menurut gw mungkin sudah saatnya para hackers muslim untuk melakukan Jihad dengan melakukan serangan balik ke media Israel, inilah Jihad sesungguhnya. Kekejaman Israel sungguh2 sudah sangat keterlaluan dan merupakan kejahatan yang sudah tidak bisa ditolerin lagi...Israel menurut gw merupakan teroris sesungguhnya.
Israeli 'hackers' target Hezbollah TV

Wednesday 02 August 2006, 16:20 Makka Time, 13:20 GMT from Aljazeera

Israel raid 'captures Hezbollah fighters'
Lack of security delays Lebanon aid

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A series of pictures and statements, apparently from Israeli-backed hackers, have appeared on Lebanon's Hezbollah-run television station, some showing pictures of corpses and others labelling the group's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, as a liar.

One of the images shown on al-Manar television portrayed the body of a fighter lying face-down, wearing khaki trousers with a text in Arabic beneath: "This is the photograph of a body of a member of Hezbollah's special forces."

"Nasrallah lies: it is not us that is hiding our losses," continued the text, which appeared during the evening news and stayed on screen for several minutes.

A photograph of Nasrallah himself also appeared with the legend: "member of Hezbollah: watch out."

Another photograph of corpses was framed by the words: "there are a large number of corpses like this on the ground and Nasrallah is hiding this truth."

Psychological war

Israel also recently hacked into FM radio stations and instead of normal programmes a two-minute recording was repeatedly broadcast.

"Hassan sent men to fight the Israeli army, an army of steel, without preparing them. Stop listening to patriotic hymns for a moment, reflect and bring your feet back to the ground," said the Arabic message.

Israel has reportedly used a variety of technological weapons to add a psychological dimension to its war in Lebanon. Lebanese mobile phone users have also received text and voice messages saying the Israeli offensive was aimed against Hezbollah and not the Lebanese people.

Sudah sangat keterlaluan sekali Israel ini, tindakannya sudah membabi buta, sampai mau bikin serangan ke media Lebanon, padahal sudah bikin hancur kota itu, eh masih juga ingin lebih..memang harus di beri palajarn deh Israel ini, gak bisa didiamkan saja....

Ayoo para hackers Muslim, lakukan Jihad sekarang, selamatkan saudara2 kita yang sedang dizhalimin oleh Zionis..

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1 comment:

jarimanis said...

Saya Setuju Israel dan antek-anteknya memang teroris yang sesungguhnya.

Tapi mungkin yang mba maksud craker.

ayo kita serang balik atas nama allah