Today, I watched movie of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire at PS. No more people watching, more seat are free, maybe only 20 people was watching that movie. The movie have good graphics, more animations and so great actions. At least, it imagined what we have read on book. I think that it‘s very different with another Harpot movies. The story started on a dream about wormtail met “He Who Must Not Be Named” ( Voldemort) planned to kill Harry Potter. Then about Quidditch World Cup and Triwizard tournament with two schools of wizard. At the end Harry met with Voldemort and they duel (for more story read the book). I like scene when Harry must helped his friend on second test at Triwizard tournament cause very cool action and animation.
After watching, I ate Doner Kebab and then went to second floor for pray. The place which I never want to miss and want to pray here. After pray, I went to lobby to saw a Nokia Exhibition. New cell phones with 3 G technology, have 2 megapixels camera resolution and more new technologies. When I asked about the price, you know it’s very expensive. But I don’t wanna change my cell phone right now, and I still love my 6230, great cell phone and maybe I’ll change for 3 years later ;-P.
curi start...
hmph, tp gpp si. i'm not that fond of harry potter anyway.
gak penuh??? weird. i mean, i thought it was the most awaited movie after all?
gimana kebab disana rasanya sama gak? :P
mala..rssnya diilangin ya?jadi gak ke track kalo ada update nih..
Saptomo : hihihiihi, kasian deh yang masih kuliah harus tunggu hari sabtu dan minggu....
iya enggak penuh, sepi bgt deh, enak. Maybe on work and school day...
mbak Ari : rasanya beda lha, lebih enak yang di Jerman. Lebih banyak sayuran dan lebih tebal, klo disini itu tipis bgt deh....
waduh, gimana caranya ngilangin RSSnya itu yah? kasih tahu caranya dong....
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I'm going to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire tomorrow!
Amalia : bener banget klo Voldemort itu dipanggi He who must not be named, sebenarnya maksud You know itu harusnya koma tapi sekarang udha di edit ulang jadi He aja biar enggak salah kaprah lagi deh...
Thanks buat bantuaanya hidupin RSSku...
hehe..harry potter emg top abis..
believe or not I watched HP twice....
abis..british accent nya medok bgt...
jadi kangen 21 pengen nonton full indonesian subtitle....
nggak sabar mo nonton the next movie nya...
Rahma: ehm, gw juga mau nonton dua kali, cuman musti tunggu kakak gw balik dulu biar bisa nonton gratissss...hehehehe kayak tahun lalu, nonton pertama bayar dan yang kedua gratissan..;-)
Hiiiy! Udah lama ga ke sini :). Yeah, I have watched Harry Potter too and the animation is so damn good.
I especially liked how they auditioned the girl that plays Fleur Delacour (a really attention-grabbing one heheh)
I run the Harry Potter fansite Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, which you have in your links. The site used to be at . It has moved to or . Please change your links so they work. Also, since you're a Harry Potter Fan, please consider joining me in creating our WeasleyCast podcast. (see my website for details).
Ilya Smirnov, Webmaster
Great movie, but too much stuff was left out.w
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