Sunday, October 23, 2005

Stay at Home

After graduated and finished my training at TVRI, my activity only stays at home. Very bored situation, I didn’t do anything. I tried to apply an application letter, but nothing companies recall me to take an interview. So what can I do?. Stay at home is very bored, isn’t it ?. Whmmmm..I remembered when I still went to campus to take my class last years while all my friends is free time, no studied, no classes, no activity at campus. I very glad with this condition cause I have an activity to do. I have assignment to finishing my report, make appointment with my lecturer to consultation my report and take a classes and more and more assignment. It’s very busier condition, right… but I’m very happy.

Back to my current condition, I haven’t more activity. For example, after sahur (ramadhan time), shalat shubuh, sleep, wake up, clean my house, shalat dzuhur, played game or watching a DVD or just listening radio or sleep again, shalat azhar, clean table, help my mother, shalat maghrib, eating with my parents, shalat isya continue with shalat tarawih, and sleep again. Very bored activity, isn’t it?.

Until one day, I felt bored and made a decision go outside to Ratu Plaza. I want to buy new game, Age of Empire 3. But when I said to my mother to go outside, and she didn’t ALLOW me!!. With one reason tomorrow we are going to Sabang (place near Monas), so don’t go.. Hump..I bored after heard that and I went to my room with felt bored. I knew, why my mother gave that reason, but I want to go outside, not only stay at home with monotones activity, very bored condition.

I want work in office and make feel enjoy with my activity..but, when?... I hope Allah will give rezeki to me…Amin


Anonymous said...

That is actually a good thing you know. Now you have a dedicated time for your self more than ever. I wish I could have that kind of spare time...

Mala FDM said...

Ozzie : Of course I'll do the best more than I have ever had. Bangkit and always bangkit..

ni londo: Gute idee, but to take german course is very expensive here. I want,maybe for future plan, klo mentoks lamar kerja.. but that's very brilliant idea..danke..

Mala FDM said...

Aku sih belum punya, cuman kalo musti belajar sendiri kayaknya agak sedikit kesulitan. Dulu aku udah pernah nyoba sendiri, dan kalo bingung maksudnya apaan suka nanya ama mbak Stella, bisa sedikit mengerti dan ada juga yang suka nah lho..bingung enggak ngerti, jadi pengenya ada gurunya buat nanya kalo enggak jelas.. ato kamu mau jadi tutor saya..hehehehe Iya pokoknya bahasa Jerman aku itu pengen belajar, cuman waktunya Naja mal sehen aja ok!!